Facebook Business Suite and what you should know

The Facebook Business Suite tool is used to manage Instagram or Facebook accounts and pages via APP or PC.

A few months ago, the great Facebook Network made official a new integration in the messaging system for Instagram and Facebook , in which both platforms will be able to exchange messages regardless of whether they are on one or the other.

The F acebook Business Suite tool is used to manage Instagram or Facebook accounts and pages , it can be found in the computer version and in the mobile application . There you can manage several accounts, it also has a tab called "planner" where you can schedule the publications through a calendar.

This is an excellent option for those who must plan content on social networks. The tool offers the option statistics and advertisements , which is why it is very comfortable since it gathers all the necessary options to carry out a good publication or digital campaign . In addition, it has integrated the inboxes of each account, so the administrator will not have to change applications constantly and will be able to be connected with the public.

To take advantage of all the options provided by the Business Suite, it is recommended to link the Facebook and Instagram business accounts of each account , there you will be able to see the news of each page , in addition to sharing the content with the communities of both platforms, through the statistics you will be able to understand which are the publications that are bearing fruit and monitor your community , as well as get more public .

Facebook Business Manager

Meanwhile, Facebook Business manager is a tool integrated in the Business suite, which allows to organize and manage the advertising content of Instagram and Facebook accounts. This section is focused on the marketing administration of the company in addition to the advertising payments corresponding to each publication.

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