Facebook updates its newsfeed

The social network will give users more control over their posts with a new content control.

One of the problems that the social network faces is misinformation and offensive content that the newsfeed shows to users . To avoid this, Facebook will give users more control over their posts with a new content control.

The new tools that Facebook will provide include a wide range of control options for both the general public and advertisers . This will allow people to decide what they see AND brands will be able to avoid associating their ads with other content.

The news section will work through three main axes . The first consists of the stories that are relevant to you analyzed in three main signals to calculate the relevance of said publication. Who makes the publication in the news section is also prioritized, prioritizing friends, family, news , businesses and public figures . The type of content you interact with most often, whether it's photo, video, or link.

In addition, publications will be displayed depending on the interaction with the publication, the times they were shared or those with a high number of likes, reactions or comments. Due to this, a classification will be assigned for each publication and determine in which section of the news it will be displayed, as well as the order of the stories.

The second main point is the personalization of the news section. The social network has reported that only the public knows about their own interests. That is why they have left specific controls to customize this utility. In the preferences of the news section you can touch any of them to see how they work. The drop-down menu will also include customization options such as "Hide" or "Unfollow."

And finally, the third term is the prioritization of the quality program of the news section, which is about communication between the social network and users to learn and receive feedback to improve the experience. Some examples of contact are:

• Individual interviews with people from all over the world

• The quality panel is made up of a group of different people who review their news sections and comment on them continuously.

• And finally, global surveys of tens of thousands of people every day

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