Twitter buys Quill messaging platform

The social network announced the purchase of Quill, a messaging platform similar to Slack

Twitter has announced the purchase of Quill , a messaging service that was launched in February of this year. The objectives of the tool are focused on productivity, which is why it is made by the competition of Discord and Slack platforms.

It is not yet known precisely how it will be integrated into its functions, but what they do assure from Twitter is that they are testing new technological updates in order to optimize the user experience . In fact, the social network has shown in its latest updates that they work hand in hand with innovation to later leave changes such as fleets, chat conversations, among others.

According to Nic Caldwell, who serves as general manager of Twitter's core technology, is that the Quill purchase seeks to work for direct messages to be a more useful and expressive way for people to have conversations on the service.

Ludwig Pettersson and his talented team created Quill as a fresher and more deliberate way to communicate. We are bringing their expertise and creativity to Twitter as we work to make messaging tools like direct messages a more useful and expressive way for people to have conversations on the service ”the manager tweeted attached to a Twitter thread where shared the share that welcomed QuillChat to the social network.

The curious thing is that, regardless of the way in which the platforms are linked, Quill as such will be terminated as an independent service. It was also announced that the platform will stop working on Saturday, September 11, that is, it closes its doors less than a year after opening . It is not the first time that Twitter does it, the possession of the messaging platform focused on chats, Sphere, still worked under the same tonic.

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