
NFTs are finally coming to Instagram

Mark Zuckerberg has confirmed the integration into the platform

Mark Zuckerberg is convinced about actively introducing Meta in the field of blockchain. In the context of the South by South West (SXSW) 2022 Conference, he confirmed that non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will be coming to Instagram very soon.

At the beginning of 2022, the Financial Times magazine had already advanced information of this type. Likewise, he informed through a report that Facebook and Instagram, both from the Meta company, would become applications for the purchase and sale of digital assets. However, Mark Zuckerberg has not explained this new tool to the entire ecosystem.

What is known so far?

If there is one thing that can be guaranteed, it is that this integration of non-fungible tokens is already in the development process, so the company has been focused on solving technical problems that have been monopolizing the investigative path.

“We are working to bring NFTs to Instagram in the short term. Today I'm not ready to announce exactly what it will be, but in the next few months you'll have the ability to bring in some of your NFTs. And eventually you'll be able to lie within that environment,” Zuckerberg said at the SXSW conference. .

On the other hand, Adam Mosseri, who is the head of Instagram, had already prepared the company's possibilities with NFTs. In December, he said that the company was exploring the possibility of giving these elements a space to obtain a greater reach in new audiences and creators.

In the conversation, Mark Zuckerberg discussed much of his metaverse. In addition, he mentioned the metaverse's ability to convert almost anything into a non-fungible token that is subsequently traded by the same users. For example, Zuckerberg hopes that "the clothes your avatar wears in the Metaverse could be coined as NFTs and you could wear them between different places."

In this way, the brands would have a new step to which to take their marketing strategies, which after this implementation, would have to focus on innovation to create new possibilities through audience loyalty, hand in hand with this new joint.