Dispatch companies in Chile

From the oldest companies to the new dispatch methods in Chile.

One of the biggest challenges when setting up an online store is choosing the delivery method to send the products to your customers. The importance of this choice is that a good choice can determine success and failure.

Mail from Chile

Correos de Chile is a state company, the oldest and currently in force dedicated to the postal service and the mail and parcel delivery market.

* AM Express Package /Before noon of the next business day.
* Express Home Package /1 to 2 business days.
* Branch Express Package /1 to 2 business days.
Allows online tracking from the Correos de Chile website. In addition, Correos de Chile allows the use of development APIs for integration into websites.


In a marketing effort due to the number of complaints received by Tur Bus Cargo, Starken is created. More than 50 offices in Santiago and 150 offices in different regions of the country.
* Deliveries the next day for shipments from Santiago to the III and to the X Region.
* Deliveries in 2 business days for shipments from Santiago to Region II.
* Deliveries in 3 business days for shipments from Santiago to the XV and I Region.
* Deliveries from 10 to 12 business days from Santiago to the XI and XII Region.

Allows online tracking from the Starken website. In addition, Correos de Chile allows the use of development APIs for integration into websites.


It is a private company in Chile with courier services and express shipments.


In the same day:
* 2 hours: delivery in 2 hours (only province of Santiago).
* Ultra fast: up to 11 a.m. (delivery the same day before 5:00 p.m. or delivery the next business day, before 9:30 a.m.).
* AM /PM: delivery in the afternoon, until 20 hours. Only in some communes of the Metropolitan region).

The next day:
* Priority Overnight (until 9:30 am. Only in the Metropolitan region).
* Overnight: delivery the morning of the next business day, before 11:00 am.
* Next Business Day (DHS): delivery between 11:00 am and 6:30 pm on the next business day.

Allows online tracking from the Chilexpress website. In addition, it allows the use of development APIs, for integration into websites.

New shipping companies

In addition to the above, with the expansion of the online market catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic, several companies have emerged with shipping system ventures: Alas Express, Shipit or Enviame; in which cases they offer drop shipment, where they do not store the goods in their warehouses, but function as an intermediary for the three preceding ones.

The advantage granted by these new companies corresponds to the centralization of shipments, in addition to giving the possibility of using APIs that facilitate the incorporation of different offices. Although they make their profits as an intermediary, the prices for the client usually do not rise, since they obtain lower commissions by the shipping companies.

Key factors

Although the choice depends on the style of the client, it is important to consider that the adaptation to new technologies has been developed by Chilexpress, granting the possibility of tariffs through the use of APIs, new companies have adapted to the demand facilitating their use on the sites independent web.

If you use Woocommerce, Prestashop or Magento, it is important to consider that said company has the module that you intend to incorporate.

In the case of the client, the choice of the office over the estimated waiting time or the price is more interesting, since it is involved in the purchase of your order.

If you are going to use these tools, it is important that you consider buying a printer to adhere it to the package and make it easier for the person to remove the product.

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