Criticism of Login with Facebook, Google and other social networks
Opinion about social login
The social login or login is an alternative to user registration and login that large companies such as Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter and even LinkedIn have provided as a solution to websites and users so that user registration is more easy.
The advantages are clear
It is unnecessary to re-enter your personal data on a website other than the one you always use as a preference. You forget to remember your password, something that today seems like a problem according to the number of systems you use. Among its disadvantages
The commitment to privacy levels is lower, since each site requires permissions to enter your social network, so you are more exposed to the theft of information by these networks. It is not only about your personal information that you have deliberately written, but about your tastes, preferences, friend lists and algorithmic relationships that this social network develops according to your behavior on its system.The win-win of the non-contractual relationship established by this website and the social network implies that the monitoring of your preferences is greater and that you are the target of advertising campaigns that has been less and less bearable. On the one hand, the website gains greater conversion by facilitating registration and making the task easier for the user-client and the company makes its users more dependent.
What if your social network no longer exists? You will no longer be able to log into the website, because the Login is determined by the social network session. That is, if you cancel your account on Facebook or deactivate your account due to social network policy, you automatically lose access to the login-dependent website and, when you have critical services on this second site, it can become problematic.
As a personal recommendation, if privacy policies do not matter much to you, you can use it for content websites (blogs, forums, etc.), but for critical services (electricity, water, video games) where you usually pay subscriptions it would be ideal to register conventional.