
Benefits of creating your e-commerce

Learn about the advantages of hiring an e-commerce for your company

The fourth industrial revolution is advancing in giant steps and it is a change that is moving the world. At Mox we reveal the advantages of implementing transforming your store into an e-commerce.

Lower costs:

One of the most important advantages is the reduction of fixed costs of maintenance of physical store space and the punctuality of paying expenses every month. Having a company that sells online saves a large part of the expenses, in addition to generating stability in sales and costs.
Selling over the Internet can be a great help for businesses, because in a virtual store only the hosting services must be paid, at the beginning the design and programming, and the management of the site.

Advertising savings:

You can save costs. As long as you do not diminish the quality of care and products. Advertising is part of the past, forget about paying for pamphlets, they will no longer be useful, with this massive means of communication you will be able to reach more people through advertising paid directly to the people who are your potential customers. That is why it is important that you know your target audience. In addition to having a buyer person to know how to connect with this audience.

Direct communication with your clients:

Constant communication with the client is part of the presentation of your brand to understand what they want. For this it is necessary that you connect with them and take into account the opinions about your product and /or brand. In addition to providing customer service by answering your doubts, questions or complaints.

Multi platform:

To connect with your customers through valuable content, you can choose to connect through social networks. Facebook, Twitter or blogs are the communication channels, they are the platforms that gather many people who are willing to share with their friends and acquaintances the experience of your brand.

Competition is always something that will be in your way. For this reason it is important to have your online platform, in addition to being able to offer convenience for purchases and greater payment facilities. Go ahead and offer this service as an added brand value.

New technology:

The fourth revolution has already begun and digitization, technology and comfort prevail. People are already used to using the Internet as a means of payment or online shopping. Make sure you get a good dispatch company that complements good customer service.

Digital proximity:

Currently there are many stores that have online sales. Most customers browse the internet through mobile devices, that is, your brand is in the palm of your customers' hands. The important thing is that the design of your website is responsive so that users can enter via mobile, tablets or computer.

Discounts or coupons:

Online stores have the opportunity to offer discounts or coupons for new customers. With this, you will be able to engage new clients from various fields: age, profile and socioeconomic level, since because it is online, everyone will have access.


Internet is the best place to spread your product and /or brand. Having an online platform will help you increase leads. In addition, with this modality you can reach audiences that are not in your own city or even in your country, and you have a service open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.