
What is viral marketing?

Viral marketing is a communication strategy in which people quickly transmit a message to others, in order for this message to grow rapidly through dissemination. Something like the old word of mouth but in a virtual and fast way.

One of the objectives is to achieve the virality of the message, ideally transmitted in videos, comments, podcasts, etc. To measure the success of this type of campaign, it is necessary to apply a set of techniques through Internet channels, which are supported by Social Media. The purpose is to increase the sales of products and services of a certain brand, in addition to optimizing its positioning on the web.

The important thing is to understand that viral marketing is not an objective, but rather it is part of a strategy, whose purpose is to create a snowball among the people who will share the message with their friends.

This type of advertising content is always welcome among people, since it is something that really attracts the audience. Plus it's not invasive.