Create your company mission

The mission of a company answer the first of the three questions: Who are we? This mission is a written statement that describes why the company exists and its main objectives. Corporate principles are expressed which are exclusive to the company or organization.

This statement defines and vociferates mainly what the company does, the field it is dedicated to, its activity in the market, how it carries it out and what its value propositions are. The type of public to which the company is directed with differential characteristics can also be made explicit.

How to create the mission of a company?

It is necessary to land the ideas and complement them to briefly define the mission. Some questions to answer are:

What is our business?
What do we do?
What do we do?
What is our reason to be?
Who are our target audience?
What is our geographic scope?
What is our competitive advantage?
What sets us apart from our competitors?

In addition to answering the above questions, a correctly formulated company mission must always be clear and simple, indicate what the company does, present the seal of difference from its competitors and finally it must be easy for everyone to remember.

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